
Penetration Testing Services

Our penetration testing services prioritise cyber security by going beyond traditional security evaluations.

We provide an expansive suite of testing options that align seamlessly with your organisation's cyber security requirements, ensuring a custom fit to your organisation's systems. Each penetration test conducted by our team of cyber security specialists is comprehensive, targeting multiple areas of your application, internal & external network, physical and infrastructure to identify and boost your cyber defenses.

Our approach & methodology

In today's digital landscape, comprehensive cyber security measures are no longer a luxury but a necessity.
Starknex offers a robust penetration testing methodology that ensures the integrity and safety of your organisations network and data. Here’s our approach:


Reconnaissance & Information Gathering

At this initial stage, we focus on collecting data vital for preparing a cyber security attack. Our team gathers insights into the targeted system to understand its potential vulnerabilities.


Threat Modelling & Planning

By designing various threat scenarios, we simulate attacks to test your system’s weaknesses. This crucial step in penetration testing helps us anticipate potential security issues.


Vulnerability Analysis

We identify and define the possible points of entry in your network. This analysis is central to our penetration testing methodology This critical analysis helps us uncover weak points in your organisations systems.



Our penetration testing moves towards attempting to gain access to sensitive data, mimicking the actions of malicious attackers. This step tests the efficacy of your security measures under controlled conditions.


Post Exploitation

After a successful exploitation, we evaluate the level of risk your business is exposed to due to the known weaknesses. This phase assesses the depth of potential damage in the event of a real-world cyber attack.



We provide a detailed report that not only outlines the findings of the engagement but also includes strategies to improve your security posture.



We offer remediation services to fix the vulnerabilities discovered during the penetration testing process. We work with your team to strengthen your defenses and prevent future security breaches.
Part of the remediation process also includes re-testing.

How can we help?

Book free consultation with our cyber security experts.

Our Services

Cyber security services designed for your business: See how we can assist you.

Cyber Security Consulting

Providing expert guidance and support.
With our experience and expertise, we can help you implement effective security measures to safeguard your organisation from adversaries and cyber attacks.

Cyber Security Assessments & Red-Teaming

Test your organisation's defences.
Simulating attacks and finding vulnerabilities to test your defences and providing recommendations for improving security; protecting your organisation against cyber attacks.

Cloud Security Posture

Understand risk in your cloud infrastructure.
Assessing your cloud security posture against compliance frameworks (such as PCI and ISO 27001) and providing recommendations to improve your cloud security posture.

Essential Eight Compliance

Making it harder for adversaries to compromise your systems.
Assessing and implementing the Essential Eight maturity model and strategies to improve your organisation's security posture.


Futureproofing your organisation by implementing solutions & strategies.
Including: Microsoft 365 & Google Workspace, Privilege & identity access management (includes Single Sign-On and Multi-Factor Authentication), DevOps , Information classification, Device & Application Management, Update & Patching management.

Managed Security Services

Providing comprehensive IT management with a strong emphasis on cyber security.
Services include: regular software updates and patch management, monitoring for suspicious activity, and incident response planning to minimise the impact of a security breach as well as general IT support such as troubleshooting, hardware and software management, and network management.

Supported by

University of South Australia - Innovation & Collaboration Centre AustCyber

Partners & Professional Memberships